Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Convention Week

This week is shortened for teacher convention and before I head to Minneapolis for the NSTA Convention we have a contract-free week. So, what to do?

Eighth Grade
This week we finish up "Dante's Peak" and compare/contrast the Hollywood portrayal of a volcano to actual footage of real volcanoes erupting.

How do they compare?

Seventh Grade
We finish up or chapter on plants by creating plant vouchers for our plant survey of the Riverview campus.

What plants do we find around Riverview? What type are they? Why are they found here?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week Six

Eighth Grade - A3.1: Dante's Peak, the second most desirable place to live?

This week we take a look at volcanoes and mountains.

Answer this: Where do mountains form? Why? What damage do volcanoes cause? Yes, why should gramma grab to dog and get off Dante's Peak?

Contract 6 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C3.3-4: Flowers and Seeds.

This week we continue to look at plants. We focus on two types: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.

Answer this: Compare and contrast seeds and spores. Compare and contrast gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Contract 6 to be presented on Friday.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Week Five

Eighth Grade - A3.2-3: Top ten reasons why gramma shouldn't live on Dante's Peak

This week we take a look at volcanoes.

Answer this: What causes volcanoes to form? What types of volcanoes are there? How do they compare to each other?

Contract 5 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C3.1-2: Mosses and Ferns.

This week we begin to look more closely at plants. Specifically, the oldest types of land plants, mosses and ferns.

We went outside to do a tree survey of the City Park and the Riverview campus. Post results of that and your own tree survey at The BudBurst Project.

Answer this: What are plants? Compare and contrast mosses to ferns, and both of those to other plants.

Contract 5 to be presented on Friday.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week Four

Eighth Grade - A2.3: Earthquake Engineering

This week we finish the chapter on earthquakes. We retrofit Riverview to become safer in an earthquake. Also, this week your choice one for A contracts will be put to the test in the Hoopman Earthquake 2.0.

Answer this: How can damage from earthquakes be reduced?

Contract 4 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C2.3-4: Multicellular Organisms.

This week we be gin to look at the most complex organisms. We also head out into our local environment to go on a mushroom hunt.

Answer this: How do animals meet their needs? What is the difference between a fungus and a mushroom?

Contract 3 to be presented on Friday.