Monday, November 9, 2009

Week Eight

Eighth Grade - A4.2-3: Geologic Time.

Last week, we learned that fossils give us a glimpse back in time. We also learned that thousands of fossils were found at the Rancho la Brea. That's one site! Millions of pounds of fossils covering only a few tens of thousands of years! The Earth is more than four and a half BILLION years old! In Social Studies you may cover 100 to 1000 years in a year at school. How do we take all that information and laid down over 4.5 billion years and learn about it in a week?

Answer this: How are these facts put in chronological order? How do we know that fossils are really that old? What can we learn from looking at the whole history of the Earth? What did Wisconsin look like in the various ages of the Earth? How did the changes to Wisconsin affect life in Wisconsin during those ages?

Contract 8 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C4.3-4: From Clams to Insects.

This week we end our look at invertebrate animals animals. When we started, we thought all animals were generally the same. Hopefully, we are seeing there are some bizzare behaviors out there. Who knew that some animals try to save their lives by eviscerating themselves and regenerating. Weird stuff.

Answer this: What special adaptations do these animals have for survival? Compare and contrast each type of invertebrate we talk about to other invertebrates and to other animals in general.

Contract 8 asks you to again research a specific invertebrate from selected phyla.


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Julia Novotny said...

*Sponge=filter feeder and don't move
*Worms=segmented,flat, or round & muscle
*Cniarians=tentacles that sting. *Echinoderms=skeleton,water tubes for suction
*Mollusk= most have shell& muscle *Arthropod=exoskeleton & jointed legs

Anonymous said...

What makes a mountain wear down over a millions of years?

Daniel Schwartz said...

Well, by looking at the history of the Earth, we would learn when life started and how it evolved to us, what occured to cause the many mass extinctions, and how Earth formed in the beginning.

First Post! :P

Delfina said...

I think most people when they think about different time periods, all that comes to mind is the, "caveman," era, and the jurassic era, with all the cool - looking dinosaurs. I, for one was one of them, until I gazed upon the science wall and found out before cavemen and dinosaurs were alive, there were other living things like plants and small insects that were just learning how to thrive and adjust to their surroundings. Pania and I have the Devonian Period, which I had no idea existed until I signed up for it of course! It basically deals with plants, the first wingless insects and spiders, nothing too big. Mostly different tree and plant species.

Delfina said...

I think it's fascinating how the mammals that make up the population, like us and some kinds of animals have adapted so well to the changes occuring, because otherwise we knew there would be death to face. Obviously, some of our great, great ancestors, were not strong enough for big changes and passed away, but that just makes us stronger in the future.

Daniel Schwartz said...

During the Permian Period, fern-like forests were probably in Wisconsin instead of the conifers today, then the mass extinction came and conifers had the oppertunity to grow and other plants came and evolved into the forests of Wisconsin today.

Unknown said...

The Ordovician period started 490 mill. years ago to 443 mill. Most land was in the super cotenant of Gondwana which drifted to the South Pole causing an ice age where 25% of all animals died. During this time period most of the animals were invertebrate marine life. During this time period the first primitive plants went to land.

John said...

Truth, Delaney, we talk a lot about the ice age and "cavemen" because of the area we are in. We talk a lot about the Jurassic for Hollywood reasons, but after this you might find that it wasn't really a Jurassic Park. Cretaceous Park doesn't sound as good, I guess.

I challenge all of you to find something that you didn't know, something interesting, something that will make us think.

Brook said...

In the Carboniferous Period life really started to take root on land. Why did some life start to leave the water?

Brook said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matthew said...

Did you know that during the Ordivician period 2/3 of the braciapods disapeared?

John said...

Daniel, Randy, Brook

In Wisconsin?


What is a Brachipod, and where does it live?

Matt responding said...

MR. Hoopman a Brachiopod lives at the bottom of the ocean and look similar to clams or oysters, though not related,Brachiopods belong to phylum Lophophorata and are related to the bryozoans.(:

kedie said...

The Cambrian Period marked an important part in the history of Earth because it was the when most of major animal species groups where first apeared in the fossil records!

Cassidy&Alyssa said...

The Cenozoic Era is the time of "New Life". It occured 65 million years ago to present day. It is divided into two periods.
Consists of the Miocene, Pilocene, Pleistocene, and the Holocene.
Consists of the Eocene and oligocene.

This time has been a time of long-term cooling.
The Cenozoic is a ongoing time.
It is the time of familar and strange mammals.
-Saber-Toothed Cats
-Three-Toed Horses

Jack said...

i never knew that in the middle of the Jurassic Wisconsin was part of the a sea system in Noth America.

John said...


What's a bryozoan? what's it look like? Ha.


Like what?

John said...

let's try to stay away from the copy/paste and find out what it all means and paint a picutre of Wisconsin or this area of North America during the time period we picked.

dkbmx123123 said...

Why is it important that we learn about the past?

sam brown said...

by the looks of the fossils wisconsin must hve been cover in ocean untill pangea started to brack apart and then the sea animals died on the trip.

zh mn ce said...

Wisconsin during the permian period was semi-arid (semi dry). Ferns and conifers grew in some parts while some grasslands were there too.f

Magz said...

did u know Coral grows in one spot and will grow there for the rest of its life?!!!!!!!!!!!

Magz said...

did u know that coral has grown for over twenty five million years and more

josh lienau said...

millipeds are a evolved version of the worm because it swerfs and has legs and the same bodie shape.

Magz said...

can u guess how many diff. types of coral there are???????????????

casper said...

arachnids ancestors were marine,which meant they lived in water.they were scorpion-like creatures,that were up to 39 inches long.

myles said...

Bivalves can move in cool ways. They can use their tounge to kick their way around.

Magz said...

go to youtube and type in HOPE #1-amazing coral reefs

michael birenbaum said...

round worms live in water or a host

Bob said...

Evan and Cam go to

nate said...

there are 9000 types of segmented worms

Jack said...

yes sam, wisconsin was part of an ocean system in the mid triassic, it was a shallow warm ocean which was home to dozens of types of shell creatures

John said...

Try this:

jack sacket said...

Go to this

Austen Lehrke said...

flat worms can be either parasites, which live in their hosts, or planarians, which are marine (water) oriented

Anton Pohl said...

There is this cool giant spider crab that lives in the japanese Izu Oceanic Park. It can grow about three meters(or ten feet)wide.

Ryan G said...

round worms reproduct sexualy. a male round worm is smaller then females. another word for a round worm is nematodes. round worm have a digestive system not like flat worm.

Evan said...

The nomura's jellyfish is about the same diameter as the lions mane but the lions mane is known to longer tentecles.

comeyer said...

trematoda in a type of flat wroms

Jack Sacket said...

another name for a segmented worm is annelids

James said...

Can spiders regenerate if they need to?

Drew said...

Actually Lions Mane Jellyfish keep growing so actually the Lions mane Jellyfish is actually bigger Evan

NICK said...

if coal is a fossil and we burn them then the type of fossils the make coal will become extinct one day wont they

cara bardon&&&katie trakel said...

On Chek Jawa the sand dollars have a flat-disk like shape that is an adaptation for life on the sea bottom. All sand dollars are also adapted to burrowing in the sand, and the star shape in the middle of the sand dollar is because of its 5 pores which it moves sea water into its internal water-vascular system, which is what lets it move about. Sand Dollars have tiny, soft spines these spines can move and are used to dig into the sand or to move around

Jack sacket said...

Segmented worms (phylum Annelida) are so named because of their elongated, more or less cylindrical bodies divided by grooves into a series of ringlike segments.

Shauna said...

A sea stars called brittle stars can live in the watsers of antartica

Ben H said...

cats can get round worm from mice.a round worm dont have a skeleton.

Drew said...

The perfectly symmetrical body of the jellyfish allows it to respond to danger from all of its sides. It also helps it detect food from every direction. The body of a jellyfish contains only a nervous system and the nerve receptors themselves formulate appropriate reaction to detection of light and odor. The jellyfish does not have a brain or any specialized functional system. Jellyfish has an outer layer called the epidermis, and an inner layer which is gastrodermis which lines the gut. In between is the thick, elastic-like jelly known as mesoglea. In a simple digestive cavity lies the gullet, stomach and the intestine.. There are four to eight oral arms near the mouth that help in bring the food near the mouth, along with the tentacles. Only 5% of the body is solid matter.

John said...

Anton says,

Giant Spider Crab

10 feet of crab!

Shauna said...

sea stars called Ophiuroidea sea stars can live more than 500 meters down in the sea. In fact that are the most common sea stars down at that depth the sea floors are crawling with them

cara bardon&&&katie trakel said...

The sand dollar eat the organic matter in the water currents. When you flip over the sand dollar to the non-star side, there is the big open area which is the mouth. The sand dollar reproduces sexually, and reaches sexual maturity between 1 and 4 yrs. A female sand dollar can produce over 350,000 eggs a year.

John said...


500 meters is about 1500 feet. What adaptations must your sea starts have to live at that depth?

John said...

micheal b.

what type(s) of roundworm could make us their host? what do they do to us?

Cam said...

Jellyfish adaptations: They are made of 90% water, they have stinging cells that protect them from predators and aslo keep them warm, they are free swimmers and have large tentacles that help them catch and eat food, they don't require a respiratory system, they can swim by contracting and relaxing muscles, and they have radial symmetry.

nate said...

anton is there a reason why the thing is oarngeish?

Drew said...

Anton what are some other big crabs

Cara Bardon&&&Katie Trakel said...

Sand dollars have tiny structures called pedicellariae they keep the sand dollars body free of debree and parasites, and they also collect tiny food particles.In the skelton of the sand dollar is a petaloid which is a series of tiny holes, tube feet come through these holes and they breath throught their feet.

Shauna said...

The sea star uses a hydraulic water vascular system to feed, transport waste and move around. On the bottom arms of a sea star, you will find small projections. These projections are known as “tube feet”. When the sea star contracts certain muscles, it will force water into a tube feet and make it jet out from the body. The sea star can control its many tube feet using different muscles, making it possible to move around by alternately contracting or relaxing their tube feet.

John said...


Why do some jellyfish, like the Irakanjawhatty someone contracted about last week, have toxin potent enough to kill something far, far too big for them to eat?

Isn't that a bit of a waste?

Jack Sacket said...

any questions on segmented worms anybody

jericho free said...

crayfish are crustacean. some names of crayfish are the red claw and red swamp crayfish.

Ali V. and Julia N. said...

*Ocotpus,cuttlefish=change color and texture quickly to blend in with environment,&squid also have muscular tentacles with strong suckers *Nautilus=has a shell & stores air in shell to force out to move, like an octopus forces out water to move, it also has all other adaptations as octopus listed above.
*Communicate by changing colors

Ryan G said...

when dogs are born you shold test them for round worm every 2 weeks tell the pups turns 3 months old. round wroms and also tape worms are a big problem. round worms can effect people to not just animals.

Drew said...

What do segmented worms go into and are they bad

nate said...

do roundworms have real circulatory systems

Anton Pohl said...

I think the giant spider crab is just orange because it came that way. It does not change color when it gets older.

Cam said...

Well it helps it kill the small fish and other animals that get caught in it, and to protect them from all the bigger things that can kill it

jericho free said...

there is a you tube video on the japense spider crab go check it out.

Ali V. and Julia N. said...

Cephalopod Videos=
*Shark vs. octopus
*invisible octopus
*NOVA / Kings of camouflage / meet the cuttlefish/PBS
* Cuttlefish camoflauge

hails97 said...

Has the ability to regenerate missing parts. Has a circular hydraulic system that they use to propel thier feet or myriad.They have bony,calcified skin which protects them from most predaters dont eat them.They are covered with a coat to camouflage with ease.They are related to sea urchins and sand dollars. Most seastars have the remarkable ability to consume prey outside their bodies.

Unknown said...

If Pangea was the only continent then wouldn't there alos only be one ocean, what did they call that?

Taylor said...

How do the scientists figure out how old Earth and everything on it is? Also, is it all true?

Preston said...

During the Devonian period almost all the life on earth were fish or plants even in Wisconsin because the land was very close to the equator. At the end of the period there was a mass extintion that killed most of the worlds plants and fish.

Holli H said...

How do we know that one animal evolved into another?

John said...


What are some theories for the cause of the Permian extinction?

Preston said...

The three theories are: the formation of Pangea, Glaciation and Massive volcanic eruptions.

Preston said...

the oceans name was Panthalassa

John said...

Here are some resources for how we know how old the Earth is.


Which one do you think happened? Why?

natalie said...

the carboniferous period had alot of reptiles and that sort of thing.

jc,bh,de,r us said...

Here are some types of animals that lived in North America in the Jurrassic period (have fun pronouncing their names)-Stegosaurus which had arrowtip shaped spines on its back was found in western north america,the Brachiosaurus had a long neck and also lived in the west, the diplodocus had a very long face, and the ichthyosaur resembled modern day dolphins and lived in the seas surrounding north america. The climate was hot with high sea levels.

Unknown said...

Mike and Peter's Triassic Period web page:

John said...

Hey Seth,

Try this:

Seth's Totally Tubular Triassic Page

natalie said...

we can not find anything. we need some help none of the things we type in say anything helpful (on google) hahahahahah

Preston said...

Volcanic erruptions because during that time they think that a ton of volcanoes errupted in Sibera shooting sulphates into the atmosphere.

Cody H, Wes M, Jake W said...

Permian period was around 299 – 251 million years ago. During this period most of the continents were together in Pangea. But near where Wisconsin would be in the northern United states there was many animals. Some of them were Edaphosaurus, dimetrodons, and pelycosaurs.

Edaphosaurus- was a herbivor that has long spines growiing out of its backbone, has small head and large eyes, a barrel-shaped body, and it was around 11 feet and 660pounds.

Dimetrodon- is a carnivore that had a spiny sail along its back and walked on four legs.

Pelycosaurs- were small lizard like animals and then evolved into larger types. Some were carivors,herbivores,sailback,and some had no sailback.

At the begining of the permian period there was an ice age. Later in the period it became warmer and milder. The glaciers melted and the continents became swampy forests.

The permian period ended by a mass extintion. Most likly it was because of glaciaton or lots of volcanoes erupting on Earth. The extintion was the biggest one ever, 50% of all animal families and 95% of marine species and many trees died.

Unknown said...

how long dosw it take for a fosil to be called a fossil

Matt said...

THe Ordovician period held different animals such as brachiopods and other aquatic species Ordovician period

Dr. Disrespect said...

Jack said...

wisconsin used to be dominated by reptiles by small reptiles and shell animals, the climate was 8degrees fahrenheit. The sky was ruled by the first type of birds. While the tiny bit of land had cyads and ferns.

Matthew and Sir. Giggles(Randy) the fith and Nike said...

The Ordovician period ended with a mass extiction caused by an ice age(::)

Delfina said...

During the Devonian period WI was in Euramerica, or Laurussia, which was right on top of the equator, meaning the climate in WI was warmer, tropical and kind of swampy.

Jack said...

yes but what about wisconsin the the Jurassic not just North America

Jack+Steve said...

The seperation of pangea started to happen in the jurassic by late Jurassic close to the end there were oceans that had seperated Africa from South America and North America from South America.
We were moving closer to our modern day continents.

kedie said...

Wisconsin was part of the pacific province.During the cambrian period the sea was slowly advancing over the land of north america.
Most animals were ones that lived in the water.
-Placoderms=giant fish
-Was about570-505 million years ago
-sanstone,limestone,seedimentry r ock, conglomerate, shale, i.e,
these were all formed in the seas over wisconsin and other areas

Pania said...

During the Devonian Period the land in Wisconsin had swamps containing plants like ferns. Later on the land was closer to the equator so the land became warmer making the plants adapt and coming closer to the land, such as ferns and trees.

Andrea B said...

The Cambrian Period.

--> It lasted from 544 to 505 million years ago; A time span of 39 million years.
--> It's the first/oldest period of the Paleozoic Era.
--> The term was first used in the 1830s to describe a sequence of rocks in Wales.

Brook said...

during the Carboniferous period i think wisconsin was on the cost becuase the land looks the great lakes could have been conected to the ocean

Unknown said...

could any of the cretashes period animals coom back to life

nmueller said...

why were the appalation mountians in wisconsin during the cretaceous period?

Jack=Steve said...

in the late Jurassic America was green and lush with rivers following throught it with ferns, seed ferns, cycads, ginkgos, and conifers. The Climate was perfect for Giant Animals like sauropods such as Diplodocus. Also in the early Jurassic the Western interior was covered byt a sand sea which had the largest deposit of dune sand in geological history

JAck=STeve said...

sea levels also rose by late jurassic

Jack Attack and Stevie Wonder said...

In the Jurassic the movement of the plates caused the Andes and Rockies to form.

Matt and Randy said...

Ordovician animals

There were crinoids which are plant like animals that sway on the ocean floor

Delfina said...

Fossil corals in the Devonian Beds indicate warm subtropical waters to tropical waters as modern corals do today. So, at one point WI was like the Caribbean today from the evidence of the fossil corals during the Devonian Period.

Also, during the Devonian Period, the great, "Cedar Valley," formed in WI.

Unknown said...

How did they decide how long to make the timeperiods last like on the time scale is it by specific variables or something else?

Anonymous said...

during the devonian period wisconsin was covered in oceans

Unknown said...

The Ordovician period climate was thought to be warm.

Trent said...

how are the fossils still formed when they are still ice

sam brown said...

some of the fosils people have found like fish like animal and trilabite and swiming reptiles but when the ocean bried up all those animals died and the animals turned into fosils

dew man said...

What makes these epic changes occur that starts a new period in geological time?

dkbmx123123 said...

The Ordovician was ended by the ice age. :(

sam brown said...

if wisconsin turned back into a ocean could some of those animals come back to mlife

Denton said...

The ordovician period was mostly shallow seas.
- the rock was mostly sedimentary
-some limestone
-In Wisconsin the economic resources of the Ordpvician are, oil, natural gas, lead, and zinc

Denton said...

Ordivician Period

- few corals
- many cephalopods
- jawless fish
- and tiny landplants

dkbmx123123 said...

The Ordovician started about 490 million years ago and nded about 443 million yeas ago

Unknown said...

During the Ordovician Period all the continent were all one huge continent.

Brad T, Brady S, Jake A said...

Wisconsin during the Carboniferous was low hills,climate was warm in the beginning but after a while it became cold and glaciers came. During this time there were giant incets such as scorpions, spiders, and millipeads.And alot of fish. Fish generaly had armor plated faces. Some of the plants that were around were ferns,veins,scale trees,and spheropsids. This period was 354 to 290 million years ago

Mitch said...

the devonian period marks the beginning of extensive land colonization by plants.

Kendra,McKenna,Melissa said...

tetiary period
*all of the continents drift apart, and plate tectonics caused volcanoes
* it was from 26 to 66 million years ago
*most mountain ranges were created

Trent said...

the jurassic era was from the end of the Triassic to the beginning of the Cretaceous period.

dkbmx123123 said...

at the end of the Ordovician period 60% of all marine invertebrae went extinct

joe dicker and sam brown said...

when Wisconsin was a ocean the animals died, they were fosilized and bureied not very deep right on the surface so sciencetist could find them alot easier

Trent said...

where can you find a fossil

Trent said...

The start and end of the period are defined by carefully selected locations; the uncertainty in dating arises from trying to date these horizons.

logan said...

the jurassic period had a warm tropical greenhouse climate there were palm-like plants that are called cycadophyta. In the sea there were sponges, corals, bryozoa, gastropods, bivalves, and ammonoid. there were Sphenodont wich looks like comon day lizards.

Anonymous said...

wisconsin was covered in oceans during the devonian period.

Anonymous said...

the devonian period had a great diversification of life

Mitch said...

The Devonian Period was between the Silurian and Carboniferous Periods.

Mitch said...

The Devonian period was the 4th peroid of the paleozoic era.

brady said...

Was the sun made before the Earth?

Unknown said...

Mass extinctions of tropical marine faunas occurred at the end of the Ordovician when 100 or more families became extinct, including more than half of the bryozoan and brachiopod species.

Possible causes include:climatic cooling, major glaciation, and sea level drop.

Anonymous said...

the devonian period occured 417 to 354 million years ago.

logan said...

in the jurassic period wisconsin had an ocean right to the west of wisconsin

Anonymous said...

brady, i'm pretty sure the sun was made before the earth

sam brown said...

yes we did have a jerassic period

ce zh mn said...

Permian Period

Landscape- Wiconsin was probably split between lush ferns and conifers and grasslands. Animals may include: Dimetrodon- Large
12 ft reptile that had a large sail on its back, used for body heat. Moschops- A lage 15 ft long, 6 ft high grazer that had a barrell like body and strong skull. They may have Headbutted like rams. At the end of the permian period, the biggest mass extinction in Earths history occured, probably due to glacial activity or increased volcanoism or extraterrestrial impacts. 95% of marine life died, and half of land life. this marked the switch from ferns to gymnosperms.

dkbmx123123 said...

During the Ordovician period there were jawless fish with armored bodys because they kept swimming into rocks in the ocean.

Anna & McKenna said...

The Triassic Period was 205-250 milion years ago. As a result of mountain building during the Paleozoic Era the Appalachians were elavetd above sea level. The Sierra Neevada mountain range began in the Triassic period and most of the western part of North America was underwater during that time. Pangaea covered nearly a quarter of the Earth's surface and at the end of the Triassic Period continental rifting began to break the continent apart. It split apart into two parts: Gondwana (South America, Africa, India, Antarctica, and Australia) and Laurasia (North America and Eurasia). The rock formations in North America during this time were marine shale and limestone.
There were three distinct groups of animals during this time era. The Anchisaurus was 7 to 10 feet in length, ate plants, and lived in North America. The Arctosauruas was 10 feet long and lived in the artic of North America. These dinosaurs were rather small and slightly built that walked on two legs were thought to be fast. During the Triassic Period that is when the first mammals and dinosaurs where found. The Triassic period ended with a mass distionction due to a massive volcanoe. Pangaea started to break a part due to this.

ebbottbaby said...

With these periods, one part of land, take Wisconsin, could be land, then sea, then land, then lakes, then ocean and back to land. 50 million years is an extremely long time.

Justin Picard said...

Cambrian Period
it was 490-530 million years ago.
it was the time when most animals first appeard in fossil records.
it was the first geological time period of the paleozic zone.
the cambrian climate was manily warm wet and mild. there was no ice formations

Jessica197 said...

In the Cretaceous Period, Wisconsin and the Mississippi were dry land, with dinosaurs roaming about. The slopes of Wisconsin sent water flowing westward to the Cretaceous Ocean. Although flowering plants first appeared in the Cretaceous Period, there were not forests of plants in Wisconsin, for there were no seas and it was mostly dry land. Also, the T-Rex appeared and roamed in mostly Montana and Wyoming, yet there were still some traces of T-Rexes and other dinosaurs- such as the Triceratops- in Wisconsin.
These changes in Wisconsin affected Wisconsin because the dry land did not allow much vegetation to grow, which means that there wouldn't be that much wildlife there.

keegan pichette said...

a link of flatworms swim

Rachel S. said...

heyy people we are doin our project on cephalopods and its pretty cool! we made a page under invertabrates PLZ check it out!! =)

Kassi said...

There is a deep-sea squid called watasenia scintillans that has an open pupiled eye with 3 visual pigments.

Andrew Buss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RachelAnderson said...


color: Brownish purple to orange with lighterunderline.

size: up to 12 inches across with mature.

They also use suction in the tube feet for movement and feeding....

Amy Holec said...

a sunflower sea star

Andrew Buss said...

Box jellyfish have 24 eyes.

RachelAnderson said...


color: brownish purple to orange with lighter underside

size: up to 12 inches across with mature.

They also suction in the tube feet for movement and feeding.....

Amy Holec said...

the sunflower sea star is very large and usually has 16-24 limbs called rays

Amy Holec said...

the sunflower sea star is the largest in the world

Unknown said...

if a squid is colorblind then how do the camoflouge into things because they cant see the clolor so how?

Amy Holec said...

brittle stars are closly related to sea stars but there very flexible arms are solid and a sea stars arms are hollow

morgz said...

the starfish has somthing kool about it.
it can live without a heart brain and eyes

Amy Holec said...

on the end of each arm is a microscopic eye

Andrew Buss said...

The largest jellyfish is the Lion's Mane.

Kassi said...

There are some octopuses will hunt for lobster traps and steal what's inside. Others are known for climbing aboard fishing boats and hide in crates holding dead or dying crabs.

traverse said...

Bivalvias areunder the mollusk class. Examples are clams, mussels, oysters, scallops and shrimpworms. Most are filter feeders but some can eat some fish and other small things. Some have tentecals hanging of the ends of their shells. The shell is actually two seperate parts vthat are conected by a hinge at the dorsal, or the rear part of it. They have gills to breath. They don't have a big respitory requirment.Here is a swimming scallop!

RachelAnderson said...

There is over 100 KINDS of star fish in the world.....

Addy Miller said...

Sea Urchins
* They are sessile and can move around freely
* On the oral side of them the mouth is located in the center that is made up of 5 teeth
* feed mainly on algea
* sea otters, humans, and wolf eels
* we eat what is called roe which is the ovaries of the sea urchins

Amy Holec said...

the chocolate chip star fish can live to be 7 years old they are very peaceful and popular

Andrew Buss said...

Jellyfish have been around for over 650 million years.

Addy said...

Humans eat the ovaries of sea urchins!

Amy Holec said...


keegan pichette said...

a pic of a flatworm

Andrew Buss said...

The largest jellyfish can grow up to 8 feet in diamteter and its tentacles can grow up to 150 feet long.

Andrew Buss said...

The most common type of jellyfish is the Moon Jellyfish.

keegan pichette said...

there is over 2000 kinds of flatworm

Andrew Buss said...

Only one kind of jellyfish lives in the Arctic Ocean.

casper said...

go to this video to see some glow in the dark scorpions

josh leinau said...

to see how millipeds walk click

Andrew Buss said...

What is a shrimpworm?

Kassi said...

All cehalopods can camouflage into their surrondings. Most are color blind. The use cells called chromatophores to camouflage into the area they see. To match the color they use cells called leucophores and leucophores.

josh leinau said...

some centepeds have a sort of posion

Unknown said...

Rachel Shultis, Kathryn Aukerman and Kassi Stokdyk all did cepholopods go to this link below to see our page on them and watch all the videos they are cool.

Cephalopod Wiki

josh leinau said...

millipeds hold ther eggs for a while


Yes But The Question To Your Answer Rachel, Can You Name The Starfish?

James said...

Did you know that almost all arachnids are terrestrial. However, some inhabit freshwater environments.They comprise over 100,000 named species, including spiders, scorpions, harvestmen(daddy long legs), ticks, and mites.

jericho said...

Did you know that a hermit crab is also known as a false crab.

Anton said...

This is all about a blue crab

Shauna said...

Mr Hoopman,

some adaptations that allow brittle stars live in the waters they do are they are made up of three ossicles or three small bones
the also have the abilitity to live in brackish water which are waters made up of salt and fresh water like in estuaries therer are also more that one type of brittle star brittle stars are more of a group and are brocken down into more that one spiecies or breds

Anton said...

This crab is translucent and goes up to 10 mph

hails97 said...

seastars there are about 1800 known living sea star speices that most of them live in the tropical Indo-Pacific. They can be sized from 1/2 an inch to over 3 feet in diameter and can live up to 35 years.

jericho said...

some types of shrimp are brown shrimp which is found the gulf of mexico andthe atlantic coast. another is rock shrimp wich is found in deep water around the florida atlantic coast.

Julia Novotny said...

Octopus have nerves,brains, and eyes. The brains are very large so they are very smart. some have open the lid of a jar.
they inject prey with digestive juice to soften it & bite it with its sharp beak

Anton said...

This shrimp cleans the mouth of bigger animalsCleaner Shrimp

Shauna said...
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Ali V. and Julia N. said...

Largest octopus is the Pacific Giant Octopus.30 ft. across,
600lbs., arm span of 25 ft.
It sometimes eats other octopus.

Shauna said...
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James And Brandon said...

This Is A Video Of A Bee Getting Owned By a Spider, ENJOY!! And This Is A Video Of A Camel Spider- They Are Majorly Freindly!

jericho said...

most crabs are nacturnal like the sponge crab


And Here is the camel spider vid-

James said...

The biggest spider ever found was in Alabama. It was a ten year old Goliath spider. But it was dead.

nick said...

trent you can find fossils in the ground.

hails97 said...

sea stars do not use thier mouth to draw in food,instead they use thier stomach. They possess a cardiac stomach and the pyloric stomach, and use both for digestion. The cardiac stomach is enjected out of the body through the mouth opening and is used to engulf and digest prey from its surroundings. The pyloric stomach is used for digestion of teh partially digested food in the cardiac stomach. Since they can eject thier stomach into the surroundings, they are able to cacth larger animals then their mouth would naturally allow, such as mullusks, arthropods, and so on.

Shauna said...

a page on sea stars and info on Chordates Echinoderms,Arthropods, Mollusks
Cnidarians on the bottom on page.

jacob said...

the blue crab is blue because of the hue stems from a number of pigments in its shell.

Unknown said...

This is a really good video on jellyfish


Kate Sommerfeld said...

i think that its kinda weird because coral can reproduce both sexually & asexually. i would think that it would only repruduce asexually because if you look at a piece of coral, it has seprate stalk-like things (some), that if messed with, could break off, then roll somewhere else, where it can grow there instead, then do the same thing again, and again, and again.

Pania said...

sediment,water, wind, and anything else that can destroy somthing can wear down a mountain over millions of years.

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