Thursday, February 25, 2010

Seventh Grade Week 18

This week we continue looking at the Human Body. Remember, as we go through this entire unit, add to, redo, edit your Human Body Notebook 10 projects. Send it to This week as a class we are editing and adding to the pages on the nervous and endocrine systems.

How does our nervous system communicate with our surroundings? our bodies? the other parts of the nercous system?
What are hormones? How do they work?

Contracts for this week focus on these questions. Use the Human Body Google Doc we created as a list of resources to use in your research and use this form to add new resources.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Seventh Grade Week 17

This week we continue looking at the Human Body. Remember, as we go through this entire unit, add to, redo, edit your Human Body Notebook 10 projects. Send it to This week as a class we are editing and adding to the pages on the reproductive system.

What is different about the cells produced by the reproductive system?
Why do you thing this difference is so important in reproduction?

Contracts for this week focus on these questions. Use the Human Body Google Doc we created as a list of resources to use in your research and use this form to add new resources.

Eighth Grade Week 17

No contract this week.

This week we focus on our new groups in an Oceans Webquest.

Questions are answered by filling out your projects form.
View spreadsheets of answers:
Coastal Development
Submarine Canyon Sludge
Kelp Forest Facial
Coral Reef Vacation
Sargasso Sea Salvage
All That Glitters
Running On Empty
Geoengineer Me a Copyright

Groups composed of a biologist, chemist, physicist, and geologist will come together on the final days of the week to decide the fate of the project. Then try to convince me. Good luck.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Seventh Grade Week 16

This week we continue looking at the Human Body. Remember, as we go through this entire unit, add to, redo, edit your Human Body Notebook 10 projects. Send it to This week as a class we are editing and adding to the pages on the immune and integumentary systems.

How does the immune system work?
Describe the complex layers of the integumentary system.

Contracts for this week focus on these questions. Use the Human Body Google Doc we created as a list of resources to use in your research and use this form to add new resources.

Eighth Grade Week 16

As we continue our look at the Earth's oceans we now look at ocean resources. What resources that we use come from the ocean?

How are these resources acquired?
How are these resources used?
What are the effects of humans acquiring and using these resources?

Watch this Discovery Video and answer some of the questions it asks.

Contracts this week look at how humans affect the oceans.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Seventh Grade Week 15

This week we continue looking at the Human Body. Remember, as we go through this entire unit, add to, redo, edit your Human Body Notebook 10 projects. Send it to This week as a class we are editing and adding to the pages on the circulatory system.

How does the circulatory system move nutrients and wastes?
How are the nturients delivered to cells that need them?

Contracts for this week focus on these questions. Use the Human Body Google Doc we created as a list of resources to use in your research and use this form to add new resources.

Eighth Grade Week 15

As we continue our look at the Earth's oceans we now look at living things, biomes and our interactions with them.

Describe the different habitats of the Earth's oceans.
What are the human affects on these habitats?

Contracts this week give a chance to get on the wall and a few Design Your Own again.