Thursday, November 6, 2008


In the past week, each of you spent almost 7 hours over 3 days of school taking tests in reading, language, math, social studies, and science. Fourteen times you were told to make you mark heavy and dark. You only got 3 snacks.

Did you try your best? Who do you think looks at your scores? Does this test affect your classes in high school? Did you finish feeling like you had done well?

What are your thoughts on your eighth grade WKCE week?


No-Yes said...

Testing sucks alot!!!! I fell asleep just drawing in a circle for an answer I mean come on.

kellys said...

Testing was sooooooooo annyoing. Why do we have to do this anyways? Oh, i remember, Mr. Gumm told us, 'because the state requires it'. I can't belive they can't just look at our grades from over the years. Why, i say, and again i say Why? What was up with all of those short answer questions? They asked us enough questions to last a whole lifetime of 100+ years, and then some.
Im done with testing, especially WKCE testing, i was done with it before we even started!

purplepantseater! said...

testing does suck. it's pretty much pointless. i don't see why they dont just use our current grades.

sounds pretty pointless to me.

paulbunyun said...

well i dont think testing was that bad...
we get out of class so thats fine.

but most of the stuff was pretty easy
so pretty much; testing is fine

spicycheetohunicorn said...

Hmm, well, my thoughts? My thoughts are that it was totally bogus. I mean, for real. It doesn't go towards our grades, and it was easy, and super duper long. That's a waste of paper, man. Like, what..600 pages??? Dude, and the freaking writing part?? We did that same writing prompt in like, fourth grade. So i don't see how it's really and eighth grade test then? But WHATEVER. I think they gave us like 23849280minutes too much time, i finished like, way early and still felt i did good. So yah, it was lame.

melonhead321 said...

The WKCE Testing Week was not very fun
It's a good thing to do tjough
But hey who likes tests anyway

luke hoot said...

I personally dont like the wcke test they take a lot of time up and they are hard, well at least thats what i think. O and i hope that this doesnt affect us in high school, i like cookies, oh that reminds me i wish we had more snacks during, so yes thats what i think

melonhead321 said...

The week of WKCE wasn't all that fun
But who really likes testing anyways, eh?

Anonymous said...

Testing was hard. I don't see why we have to take the WKCE tests any way.

paulbunyun said...

so i have more to say about this..

i think that george bush made these stupid tests...yah i think im right.

but i think he really shouldnt have made these tests..
yah they okay wait i was just informed george bush didnt make the tests...
but anyways that doesnt matter..
someone could be havin a bad day then they do a bad job and we just look... bad

so yah my point is even if george bush didnt make these tests.. they never really should've been made.

purplepantseater! said...

wooo hooo.

(more snacks would be better.)

volleyball_gurlie said...

Well, i think testing sucks. It's so boring!! The only good thing about testing is that the whole week we dont have homework. I understand why we have to do the testing though. I know it helps us, but it still is verrryyy boring. <3

Anonymous said...

I didn't like the testing

Skysraper said...

I thinkthe test is stuipd because it is a waste of time TALL PEOPLE ROCK

Anonymous said...

Testing wasn't so grate don't you think?

Twisted_SpydeЯ said...

POINTLESS- although we got out of class (which to me was a good thing), we dont really need to be tested on what we know..POINTLESS

woot_woot911 said...

I think the wkce is dumb because it takes 3 days. Why can't they just look at our grades? The short questions are dumb. It was easy but annoying. It's done. Woot woot. I could use some naughty language, but I choose not too. Woot woot. short people rock

Anonymous said...

Testing is stupid and I don't get the point of it. I think government people look at the scores. and then they decide which group we should be in in high school. of course i tried my best again.

rachael said...

well, testing wasnt that bad.. is was actually pretty easy. I kinda liked it beacuse we didn't get homework all this week!

BUT, i don't like it cuz it asks questions like, "what color is the shirt?"

We also got snacks, that was AWESOME;)

Dylan Tripoli said...

Mr.Hoopman ROCKS

taylor said...

i thought that the testing was boring

Anonymous said...

Omg...........i dont really like testing, but its better then getting homework......... :)

b-ball master said...

State testing is the worst thing we will have to do all year besides the field trip to the Wade House. The only good part is that we have no homework, and get play/free time during GP. During testing we get snacks which taste really good. P.S. Mr.Hoopman is the second best teacher besides Mr.Gumm.

ha.ha.ha.ha. said...

OMG.... i dont really like testing but w/e its better then homework>>> :)

dunnright said...

I do not like the testing. It is boring and it makes me fall asleep. WOW! It's crazy...I know.

dan-the-man♥ said...

i thought that testing wass longg
it was also kinda boring because if you got done earley, and i mean noone wants to read. so we colored for like 20min. or however long you had left. Somer math parts were kinda confusing and hard. but..with my handy-dandy-calculator, i got through (: well thatrs all. you kinda rock mr. hoopman. (: sorda kinda. i dont know yet. hehe8D il talk to you later goodbye mr hoopdoggie (: byee

peyton said...

testing is pretty stupid. i know it like helps us and whatever but its still stupid. the good parts about testing is that we get out of class and we got snacks.

Pkrieg said...

will these tests make any difference?

rachael said...

science class with mr. hoopman is like diving off a plane! WOO HOO [it's fun] (slisp voice)

it's me! said...

i HATE testing! Our whole class never used the full time period given, so i don't understand why we have to keep completely quiet if nobody in the room needs it.

Marissa said...

I don't mind the WKCE test.
We get out of class for 3 days, and we don't have any homework!
But then again I dislike the WKCE test.
It's boring, stupid, and pointless.
and long.
We get way too much time to actually do the test.

Dylan is stupid.

Connie Mae said...

The WKCE test was not fun. It was pretty easy though. I dont understand way we even have to take this test. It was just boring not hard.

rachael said...

diving off planes are fun... duh
-dont accept this on the blog!-

taylor said...

testing wasn't that much fun

Frank said...

I hate Testing it sucks!!!!

volleyballchica27 said...

I personally thought testing sucked, but i liked the fact we barely had any homework. And we got free snacks(:

loganator said...

i hate testing it stinks its so bla bla bla...

it's me! said...

Testing isn't TOO bad though, because we don't get homework... and it was pretty easy.

taylor said...

testing was not that much fun

Ally said...

Testing was boring having it everyday. having no classes was good and having no homework except Monday which was due Friday.

it's me! said...

I think these go on our permanent record, right?

Dylan is wrong said...

the tests were very important because it helps the goverment know how kids are pogressing

Dylan Tripoli said...

TESTING SUCKED! I hate it. I bet yo enjoied reding that same par. OVER AND OVER AGAIN! We sould contact the state and tell them to change this stuff! U know what i mean man. I know that u all think the same thing!

joajoajoa said...

testing was fine/
cept the science part:P

it was all easy

testing is fine

LydiaTee said...

The WKCE testing this week was easy. I didn't like it though because we sat ther all day and did nothing but fill in small circles 'heavy and dark'
and the snacks tasted weird
i thought we should have gotten more and more choices!
How can we even benifit from this testing anyway? jeeze

Deanna S said...

Testing does suck. I think it would be better to not test. Why does the state care how we do? If it doesn't count as a grade, than it shouldn't be important.

becccccccccca. said...

Testing is boring;
but not too bad.

The science part was easy and the snacks were delicious. :D

I think that we shouldn't have to do so many different math and reading ones.

No homework was good.

becccccccccca. said...

Mr. Hoopman should not talk about the things we talked about this afternoon is science.


Anonymous said...

I think that school tests are so over rated like my grandma would be able to do it easily like it is so overated.

josh said...

i like the testing we got to play a lot of hacy sack

kenya said...

hey you are a cool teacher you rock the world

Blake said...

Testing wasnt hard so it was ok.

liebmann said...

i hated testing.
some of the questions were really dumb.

jaz69 said...

okay. so anyways.
testing is dumb & everyone knows it =P
lol. not one of these people likes testing.
except the perks of snacks.
yea snacks are cooliooooo

Demonfang said...

Science is like so boring like a caveman could do it

Anonymous said...

Testing was fine Im ok with it.

Anonymous said...

What answer are you looking for? testing? hmm let me think, BORING. All we did was sit in our desks and wait for everyone to finish. I heard the same guidlines/rules like 15, the only thinkg that changed was the times. C'mon the juice tasted like plastic and the granola bars were okay i guess...yea we got a few breaks but for like 10mins each and they just made testing go even longer.. i would do testing agian just because we didnt get homework and the homeowrk we did get, we got alot of time to do it.

kenya said...

you are cool u rock the world testing was very boring

becccccccccca. said...

Testing let me play lots of paper football.


Gilly said...

I think the testing was so stupid even if we didnt get homework,I felt like I was in prison.The snacks werent that great. After hours, I started getting irritated. It scared me........ALOT!

poopy head said...

tesing suckied!!!!!!! i so tired that i had to put clothes hanger clips on my eye lids to stay awake.

Anonymous said...


♥tekay.rox♥ said...

testing was kinda sucky...but i liked the science part...even though it only had one freakin question about anatomy!

Anonymous said...

yeah i agree. testing is a total drag. i think that it is a good way to see how we're doing in school, because like my algebra grade isn't too great, but it's only because i didn't get a couple sections. so i guess theres two sides to it. it's good and bad.

Anonymous said...

i like WKCE week because all of the questions are easy and we dont get any homework.we also got free food and watched dumb and dumber.

Anonymous said...

shawn say's testing sucks and that we had to do it all week. and the snacks suked. i mean most of the time the juice exploted on your shirt. it happened to me like three times!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

man it sucked staying in a flippin room for the whole intire time. like our only time to get out was goint to the bathroom and eating lunch. but on ther positive side we didnt have any homework except for monday due friday. thats the only part i like about it. IT WAS SO FLIPPIN ANNOYING!!I FELL ASLEEP LIKE 5 DIFFERENT TIMES.

it's me muhahaha said...

it was sooooo boring and repetitive i was on the verge of insanity...all we did was fill in little circles its kinda dizzying the only ok thing about it was we didnt have to learn...and we got free food why is it important anyways it just shows what we kno why do they care anyways...stupid people trying to spy on how smart we are...grrrrrr arrrr

♥tekay.rox♥ said...

i dont understand why we have to take these stupid WKCE tests. what's the point? school already makes us smartish

purplemonkey said...

the wkce was so boring it suck and the teacher had 3 students and me and we were slow and the best thing was NO HOMEWORK :):):):):):)::):):):):):::)::):):):)):):):):)::)):::):) test suck alot ther boring

Anonymous said...

i like it better than homework

Anonymous said...

I like the WACE testing but i hated the reading part. It was very confusing to me and gave me a headacke.

purplemonkey said...

the test suck but no homework rocks

it's me muhahaha said...

im going to blame everyone for this its ALL YOUR FAULT...ha who likes candy i like candy...but anyways its ALL YOUR FAULT GAH hmmmmmmmm your all meanie pants muhahaha tee hee but yea testing sucks

Anonymous said...

Testing was really bad! I had a head ache from it! I am so glad it's over but at least we didnt have class.

Professor Owen said...

Testing wasn't that bad. Math, reading, social studies and science weren't bad, but I think that reading really sucked. The food tasted extremely old though. I am glad that we did not get any homework though.

it's me muhahaha said...

HA i have more to say i guess the tests help but its too easy everyone acts like were gonna die but NO we arent so yea

lauren.e.j said...

It got really annoying when you have to listen to the same instructions over and over. I hate the No child left behind! I almost fell asleep. Why do they have to do it like every year. Dont they ask us enough questions in over school life to know if we are smart or not? Why??????????

Unknown said...


y take tests when we can just use our past grades for highschool.

they should give us more


during the testing instead of that fruit punch bo!

it's me muhahaha said...

weeeeeeeeeeeeeee i like popsickles

Unknown said...


Joyce said...

I did'nt enjoy the language arts, and the math sections. But besides that I guess it is okay. I don't like testing.

Anonymous said...

I think that testing is all right

soccergirl4life said...

i don't really like the testing at all the one good part about it is the snacks oh and also we don't have classes also. It got really boring really fast. i do like the fact that when we are done that we get to like draw after we are done!

Anonymous said...

the tests were stupid

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gumm, and Mr. Kholer rock!!! not Mr. hoopman

dan-the-man♥ said...

hey; wow your mature (:
haha. your the best mr. hoopman.
i agree with rachael.
science with you is like jumping off a cliff.
lol soo exciting.
byeebyee (;

dunnright said...

hey hoop dawg! whats crackalacking? testing is so boring. i was so bored my eyeballs were like falling out of my head!

sweet :D said...

Testing was alright i guess. could of been worse. they just gave us a lot of time. And i just dont get what the point of doing them every year now. instead of just like 4, 8, and 12 grade BUT WHATEVER

Emily said...

TESTING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

me no likey testing.
it make me = (