Wednesday, December 3, 2008

5.1: Natural Resources Support Human Activity

Ever stop to think about the things you use everyday? What are they made from? Where does that come from? How does it get to you? In chapter 5 we will be gaining appreciation for what we use on and how we affect the world by using those products.

This questioning is the first step in solving some of the issues we face. Some of the questions already posed in class:

What could we use to replace our nonrenwable resources?
What drastic changes would come about?
How does this affect us?

In our discussions about our use of natural resources, ask yourself what you would do if there was no oil to move things from place to place, or what if the lights didn't come on with the flick of a switch?

Contract 10 has students looking at energy use in their own home.

I will also give an extra contract grade to any whole groups who participate and finish the We Change the World Challenge!

Here is a look at a few week 10 A Contracts.
Contract 10


b-ball king22 said...

the cost for kilowatt-hour is too high right now, but it should be down to about two cents for a kilowatt-hour by 2010

dan-the-man♥ said...

hi this is dani meyer(:

ok i think that we can you biofuel, or farm wast because that is renewable, and we can use it as long as animals are living. (mostly horses, and cows.)

:the smellmay be difficult to handle, but in order to keep a more perfact, beautiful earth, we would have to deal with it.
