The next few weeks will take us to the world's oceans. Chapter 3's big idea is that there is really only one ocean that is a connected system of water in motion. Why are there different oceans with different names in different parts of the world?
In what ways does water stay in motion?
What makes the water move in those ways?
What are the causes and effects of surface currents?
What are the causes and effects of deep currents?
You may recall in Unit A Chapter 1 we learned about the different movements of the Earth's crust and what those movements did to the surface. We can see what those effects are on land, but until the 1950s we thought the bottom of the ocean was flat. What does it really look like? What formations are there? How do we know?
Q:In what ways does water stay in motion?
A:Water stays in motion by ocean currents. There are 2 types of currents, surface and deep. Surface currents move because of the uneven heating of the surface from the sun. Deep currents move because of the sinking of water that is denser than other water. In deep currents, when wind pushes surface water away from the shore, upwelling happens and the dense water comes up to the surface to take place of the water that was just moved.
Q:What makes water move in those ways?
A:Like i just said, surface and deep currents are caused by uneven heating from the sun and the sinking and "rising" of denser water.
See you tomorrow Mr Hoopman :P
Q: What are the causes and effects of deep currents?
A:A cause of deep sea currents is the density,whether by salinity or cooler water.One effect is downwelling bringing oxygen down to the bottom, so animals can live farther down.Another effect is upwelling bringing nutrients from the bottom. Fish and other sea creatures feed on these nutrients.
Q: in what ways does water stay in motion?
A: the wind creates currents that keeps the water moving. the currents that the wind creates are surface currents.
1.surface and deep currents
2.surface and deep currents are when uneven heating from the sun and the rise and sink of denser water.
3.are wind upwelling and downwelling the effects are moving wind
4.deep currents causes are gravitation pull the effects are water moving up and down
water stays in motion through ocean currents. The two types, surface and deep, are caused by different things. Surface currents are caused by wind. depending on which way the wind is blowing is which way the currents go. deep currents are caused by upwelling and downwelling.
This is Jeanette. I'm not trying to be anonymous.
1. water stays in motion by surface and deep curents.
2. uneven heating of the surface water
3. the wind direction
4.upwelling and downwelling
Rachel Morris -
still trying password
1. In the ocean water satys in motion by currents. The curents stir the water like a giant spoon with surface and deep currents. It also moves by very strong winds.
2. Uneven heating of the surface of the water and sinking of water that is denser than other water
3. The direction of the winds
4. Upwelling by bringing up nutients from the bottomof the ocean. Ocean creatures feed on thees nutrients. Downwelling by bringing osygen down to the bottom to replenish the suppy and animals can survive farther down.
*1) water stays in motion with currents. there are two types of currents- surface and deep. the surface currents move because of the uneven heating from the sun. deep currents move because of sinking, denser water.
*2) just answered that(:
see ya laterrr hoop-dawgg(:
katie :D
1. Water stay in motion by ocean currents.
2. The currents.
3. Uneven heating from the sun.
4. Uneven heating from the sun.
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