Monday, September 21, 2009

Week Two

Eighth Grade - A1.3-4: Where Plates Meet.

This week we continue talking about plate tectonics, focusing on the boundaries where different plates meet.

Answer this: What are the different types of boundaries? What happens at each of these boundaries?

Contract 2 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C1.3-4: Protista.

This week we examine more complex single-celled organisms.

Answer this: Where can protists be found? How are they more complex than bacteria?

Contract 2 to be presented on Friday.


Taylor said...

Why do the plates move?

Kristine Maas said...

He thoes a contracts are very good ones.

jacob cravillion said...

booyah! What makes the oceanic plates more dense than continental plates?

John said...

taylor, it's the convection currents in the mantle

me said...

Why is the buttom of the ocean so cold if it is so far down?

Cody said...

how are mountians made

Myranda said...

i think the class is really fun but i wish the kids would talk more.

jake said...

how are volcanos made?why?

Lindsey McCabe said...

Why do hot stops stay in one spot?

natalie said...

umm what does dense mean??? i forgot hahah

Preston said...

What caudes the convection currents?

Unknown said...

Would it be possible to go into the mantle useing a deep ocean trench?

Dylan said...

how do they know that the core is so hot?

Unknown said...

Dense means the amout of mass in a given space.

me said...

Why does the earth have tectonic plates?

Dude said...

Why does the earth have tectonic plates?

Preston said...

Why is the inner core solid?

jake said...

cody, mountains are made when tectonic plates hit each other

Unknown said...

why is the mantle so big

natalie said...

wats mass then????

Cody said...

How are deep ocean trenches made

me said...

Why does the earth have weather

Dude said...

Preston, the inner core is solid because of pressure

brianna said...

how is earth made

me said...

what do u think what will happen with the land in 100,000,000 years? i think that all the land willbe gone because of erosion

Dude said...

I don't Know how to spell erosion.

Unknown said...

deep ocean trenches are made by subduction

Unknown said...

mass is the space that matter takes up really, krissy

Matt said...

Hey Mr. Hoopman Why is the Mantle hot?Tricky question Eh?

John said...

Matt, really tricky. It has to do with pressure and heat.

Jack said...

Why is the San Andreas fault line not divided California yet?

nmueller said...

Where does the old oceanic crust go.

Randy said...

Tate, the mantle is thicker because there is less pressure on it then the layers below. The crust is not6 thick because its a solid.

steph said...

mr.hoopman if the core is so hot and it only has to do with the pressure and heat how can the scientists tell how hot it is?

nmueller said...

What happens with old ocean crust?

Delfina said...

Taylor, the plates move because they're floating on the astenosphere; a hot layer of magma!

Brook said...

What are the plates underneath yellowstone???

Delfina said...

Mountains are made when a continental-continetal collision happens.

Randy said...

Natalie,mass is howmuch space somthing takes up.

nmueller said...

wouldn't the old ocean crust fill up the trenches

steph said...

delany what do you mean by how mountains are made i dont get that!?

John said...

That's volume, Randy

Anonymous said...

Rift valleys are awesome.


Unknown said...

why is the in side of the earth so hot

VivienTen said...

What are the most common boundaries???

Brook said...

Yellostone is like 1-8 of our core it is really cool!!

Delfina said...

Steph, it happens when two plates carrying continental crust with the same density crash into each other.

Jack said...

what is your prediction on what the earth will look like in the next 100million years

Matt said...

What happened during the San Franciso Earthquake

VivienTen said...

Did the earth ever not have plates???

Randy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
steph said...

mr hoopman why dont you answer our questions? you only comment on randy jkjk

Matt said...

What do scientists use to record and graph movments of earths tectonic plates

kedie said...

Y is the Earth round???

nmueller said...

how do trenches form

steph said...

vivien the earth always had plates because otherwise the pangaea thing wouldnt be able to happen

John said...

Randy, Heat rises.

Steph, because.

Kedie, gravity.

Brook said...

Why in the old days did people think the eath was the center of the univers and that eath was sqaure.

John said...

Jack, different.

Unknown said...

why are the north and south pole the coldest when heat sinks and cold rises

steph said...

jacob ocean plates are more dense because they have the wieght of the water on them and the gravity of earth so that would make ocean plates more dense than continental plates

sam said...

i like the constracts we havedone

Corbin said...

why does the inner core get so hot?

Mark said...

the plates move because of the convection cells in the asthenosphere

dkbmx123123 said...

how are the plates made???

Thomas said...

how are mountains made

Unknown said...

Why do plates move?

kendra said...

How are volcanoes made?

dkbmx123123 said...

why do the plates move?

Unknown said...

How far do plates move in a year?

Unknown said...

What are convection cells?

thomas said...

what are rift valleys

Brad said...

How do we know what is in the middle of the earth...

Denton said...

how do the plate move

Unknown said...

mr. hoopman, why is there a trend in earhtquakes. For instance, why does the San Andreas fault line tend to have earthquakes every 150 years?

sam said...

will we ever collasps in to the center of the earth someday

Jessica197 said...

How can we be sure that all of the layers of the Earth exist?

Mitchell said...

how do underwater earthquakes happen?

Austin Ernst said...

what is a convection current

brady said...

Why would earthquakes happen more in one spot on a fault like on the San andreas fault earthquakes happen every 20-24 years near the town of Parkfield?

Austin Ernst said...

like mike said do people go into trenches

Anonymous said...

What is the difference of convection currents and convection cells?????????????

Austin Ernst said...

hey mitch what is continental-continental collison

Unknown said...


Is this the kind of comment you would reject

John said...



Jessica197 said...

do you think it will ever be possible to reach the center of the Earth?

Unknown said...

Plates move at 2-7 centimeters per year, depending on the plate. (very cool)

dkbmx123123 said...

is magma just melted rock? or is it some other substance???

Justin Picard said...

i dont think so jessica it is to hot near the center of the earth

Denton said...

the earth is way to deep to dig to the center and to hot

Mitchell said...

the Earths magnetic field is from the Inner Core.

Unknown said...

brady, pressure tends to build up in one area more than others, like on the bend near Parkfield.

Anonymous said...

Protists are fun.

alex said...

what are some kinds of bacteria

Brianna said...

Where can I find a good,bad virius

Addy said...

What is a protist?

Unknown said...

what does protist live on or in???????????

MYLES said...

What are the biggest type of protist?

keeagn said...

why are all bacteria different shapes?

casper said...

what is encephalitis??

Rachel S. said...

what is a protist???

Unknown said...

Are protist like little animals?

keegan said...

what are protist?

Anonymous said...

is bacteria alive

casper said...

how often do people get it rare?

Andrew said...

What is a virus?

keegan said...

how small are protist?

Unknown said...

hi mr.hoopman why do you think protist are cool?

josh said...

are bacteria alive

RachelAnderson said...

How Large and small can bacteria get to be????

MYLES said...

do they have brains?

morgann aka 26 girl said...

How large can bacteria get?

Anonymous said...

is bactirea alive

Amy Holec said...

About how many differents kinds of viruses are there?

keegan said...

what is the werst virus??????????????????????

Jetzer said...

wat r some kind of viruses

Amy Holec said...

About how many different kinds of bacteria are there?

traverse said...

what is the biggest kind of bacteria

Brianna said...

Jessica, no beacuse the futher do u go the hotter it gets so u'd burn up before u got there

MYLES said...

do protists eat bacteria?

Dayton said...

have u ever got sick from a virus???

Jetzer said...

do they hav organs

Unknown said...

how long do viruses live? do they ever die?

Nick Stucke said...

how is a virus formed?

traverse said...

what is the smallests bacteria

Brianna said...

Mr.hoopman do u think the world will ever find a way for us to survive and dwell under water

casper said...

mr hoopman what is ur belief on the world blowing up in 2012

Myles said...

west nile virus

Nick Stucke said...

Why nis a viruse called a virus?

Addy said...

Whatis a protist and what does it do?

Andrew said...

why do measles cause you to get a red bumpy rash?

myles said...

bout how many types of bacteria are there in the world?

Kassi said...

A protist s anorganism that has only one cell. They can be harmful and helpful

myles said...

how many kinds of protists are in the world?

Jack Sacket said...

what are the main protists

Anonymous said...

because of gravity

Ryan said...

how many proticts are there?

Anonymous said...

what are small pox

Shauna said...

what exactly is tonsillitis is it a virus bacteria or what

Anonymous said...

shauna tonstillisious or wat ever you said is...a bacteria..well thats wat i think

nate said...

Ryan i am pretty sure that there are several groups

Jack O said...

it is a baterial infection

jacob said...

How fast do virisis kill sells?????

jacob said...

Can virisis get sick???????????????

Anonymous said...

How do you know whats in the middle of the earth

Anonymous said...

Jacob maybe in like 1or2 minutes

Evan said...

Virusus can't get sick because there not alive

nate said...

Jacob viruses kill cells as soon as the virus is done injecting and the new viruses break out or destroy the cell

Anonymous said...

nate you should reaserch 1 of the groups

benny said...

michael they dig a hole all the way down and look whats in the middle

jacob said...

How long dose it take fore virisis to infect your body


Technically, Viruses Can Get Sick From Bacteria That Attack It, And It Kills It After.

Mark said...

lithosphere is mooooving

Ryan said...

Are there some viruses good for you? or are all bad for you?

Andrew said...

How do viruses get inside and attack the human body?

Julia Novotny said...

A protist is a single cell organism that can be like a plant(photosynthesis),animal(eats organisms), or decomposer(breaks down dead plants & animals)

Julia Novotny said...

A protist is a single celled organism that can be like a plant(photosynthesis), an animal(eats other organisms), or a decomposer(breaks down dead organisms.) They live in places with water.

Jake Arredondo said...

The "scientists" say that in like 10-100 million years the continents will be conected again due to plate movement but what hapens after that?

Mark said...

compressional waves move back and forth, creating a ripple. they move through solids, liquids, and gases. (also called primary waves)

Mark said...

tate, the mantle is so big because there is a larger quantity of the materials that make up the mantle than the materials that make up any other layer. get it?

alex said...

Why do we need good bacteria in our body

John said...

Good question, Jake. I would ask those scientists if the course plates are on today is the same course they will be on in 100 million years.

alex, I would like to say "beacuse they are good" but I will say it is because we need them to do what they do. Your body is full of microscopic organisms that help you digest, get rid of wastes, etc.

Unknown said...

In the ocean don't some waves that crash into each other either die out or grow larger? Then if it works in the ocean when the energy combines is it the same way with p+s earthquake waves or does it not work with land?

Pania said...

Plates move because underneath they're convection currents that repeat and move over and over just like water underneath a leaf (example of the water as the magma and a leaf as the plates)

josh lienau said...

how do most cells survive