Thursday, March 31, 2011

Grade 7 Week 21: Newton's First Law

Newton's First Law

What is Newton's First Law?
What does it mean?

Week 21 has you inventing a lab that showcases Newton's First Law of Motion.


taylor said...

How many laws does newton have?

David Hassel said...

the law of inertia and it means that if no forces are applied the object should maintain the same velocity.

Lydia Zipperer said...

Doesnt Newton have 3 or 4 Laws?

Brandon Herrin said...

Can someone please help me undrestand inertia better?

Garrett said...

How does mass and inertia compare?

Lydia Zipperer said...

Inertia's really complicated, thats basically all i no :)

Lydia Zipperer said...

where's the anonymous person dat always answers the questions?

Morgan Klummpyan said...

Newton's first law is Inertia. Inertia means an objest that is in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest stays in rest. For example, if you would roll a bottle down a ramp it would keep rolling until an outside force hits it or stops it. For an example of how and object stays in rest is if you put two glass bottles on top of each other and you put a dollar bill in between them you should be able to pull out the dollar without the top bottle falling but it has to be lined up with the other bottle perfectly.

Kaylie said...

Newtons First Law is motion. Also known as the Law of inertia.