Thursday, February 5, 2009

4.1 & 4.2: Ocean Environments

One of the main concepts that spans all the science we cover in eighth grade is that things change over time. For organisms, these changes are usually in response to the environment. In this chapter we take a look at many different ocean environments. We also study the organisms in each biome.

What are the different zones in the ocean?
How do these zones differ from each other?
What are some adaptations that organisms have to live in these different zones?

This weeks contract can be found at Contract 17.


taylor l said...

1. the different zones are intertidal, deep and surface zones
2. deep zones are in the bottom of the ocean, surface zones are at the top of the ocean, and intertidal zones are in the middle of deep and surface zones.
3.they have to adapt to the food source because deeper down they go the less food their is for the organisms

rachael said...

Some zones i learned that are in the ocean is the twilight, intertidal, and neritic. All are differnt from the temperatures in the water and also the organisms living in the zones. All the living organisms living in the intertidal zone have to adapt to living in water for awhile and also not. They have to store water through their porse or in a shell like a snail.

Anonymous said...

1. sunlight, twilight, midnight, abyssal, hadal you go downward, they get darker and colder
3. amount of food, way of getting food, time without food, temperature, amount of light, pressure, breathing/air capasity, callapsible lungs?

sweet :D said...

1. Some zones are Midnight, twilight, abyssal, hadal, deep, and sunlight/top/surface.
2. These zones differ by where they are in the ocean and how much light they get, also what kinds of organisms live there, and the temperature.
3. They have to adapt to the light, the food there, and the temperature in that zone.

Anonymous said...

There are different zones such as the Bethypelagic, Splash, Twilight, Neritic, Intertidal, and others. The difference is the ammount of light, food, organisms, and the temperatures that can prosper in these areas. The animals that live in the zones have unique bodies and ways to stay energy efficient and gain the nutrients they need. Most animals in the Bathypelagic zone, for example, are slimy and need to use their energy wisely so they can capture what little food ventures down to that zone. That's all folks.

Rachel Holzhaeuser

Anonymous said...

1) Some different zones are Sunlight, Abyssal, Hadal, Midnight & Twilight
2)The difference between the zones is the farther down you go, the colder & more pressure there is; also there is much less light & no photosynthisis happening because of that.
3) They have to adapt to the light source down there, how much food is down there, how to get their food, how long they will have to wait for the food; which means storing energy and food; all these things link to having bigger mouths to eat more at one time; either no eyes or bioluminescense to attract mates and prey; things like that.


Kyrstinnnn said...

1) Some of the different zones are the intertidal, deep, surface, and twilight zone.
2) The deep zones are at the bottom, surface zone is at the top, and the intertidal zone is in the middle of the deep and surface zone. Also the farther you go down into the ocean, the water gets colder.
3) They have to find a food source. And they have to try not to get washed up on the shore.

Thank you, have a nice day!

Pkrieg said...

1.sunlight, twilight, midnight, abyssal, hadal, and intertidal you descend the water gets colder and warmer, and there is less life.
3.they have larger eyes to gather as much sunlight as possible, some of them live by vents to get heat, they have to go a longer time without food, and they have special ways of attracting prey.

Anonymous said...

1) Different zones of the ocean include the intertidal zone, twilight, neridic, hadal, abysal and many others.
2) The zones that are higher up and closer to the sun generally are home to many more species of animals and plants. The adaptions the animals have to make to live in each of these zones are different.
3) Animals that live in the deep places have to have bigger eyes and good ways to get food that don't waste too much energy.

Anonymous said...

1.The zones are the Sunlight, Twilight, Midnight, and Abyssal.
2.They differ from each other because as you go deeper into the ocean it gets colder and darker.
3.Some have to get used to little sunlight, little food, and different temperatures farther down.