Wednesday, February 18, 2009

4.3: Oceans as a Natural Resource

What do we take from the oceans? How does it affect our daily lives? How does our use of these resources affect the world we live in? Those are a few of the questions we will ponder this week.

We will also be doing a lab activity after watching the Nature feature Crash: A Tale of Two Species.

See if you can find information on the sturgeon and the paddlefish, two other "living fossils" a bit closer to home.

This weeks Contract 18 looks at the cause and effect related to our use of natural resources found in the ocean.


Anonymous said...

We take living and nonliving natural resources from the oceans like salt and minerals and seafood and algae. We use stuff like salt everyday in our food and there are minerals in products we use. People can overfish causeing fish species to be killed off or become endangered. Taking too many things from the ocean can get rid of resources for us later.

Anonymous said...

1. We take food and other valuable resources needed for our lives such as kelp for toothpaste or ice cream from the ocean.

2. It affects our lives by how we use it and what we use it forlike toothepaste, we need it to brush our teeth.

3. It can affect the world by how much we use, for example, if we cut too much kelp, it will not grow back and will be gone forever.

dunnright said...

1.) we take food and minerals. food: fish, shellfish, plants minerals: salt, gold, tin, oil/gas
2.) it affects our lives because we use them a lot. salt: food oil/gas: transportation
3.) it affects the world because if we endanger something, its might go away forever. if we make it go extinct, the whole food chain will be affected.

Frank said...

1. we take fish and plants
2.we use stuff like salt in food and minerals can affect use if we use to much of it then it can't grow back in time

Taylor L said...

1. We take fish from the oceans.
2. We use the salt in the water.
3. If we use too much of a resource there might not be anything left.

Mirry said...

We take all kinds of animals and minerals from the ocean. We take the horseshoe crab, salmon, shrimp, and a ton of other kinds of animals/fish. We also take water from the oceans, and take the salt out, and use the water for fresh water. We take oil, and gas, as well. Cars run on oil/gas, and we eat fish. If we use too many of the resources too quickly, thyen we will run out.

Anonymous said...

1. We take water and fish.
2. I get food from fish and water from the ocean.
3. It might kill all the fish that we eat.

Anonymous said...

1 we take lots of thing like food from fish and salt and info from the animals habitat.

2 it affects our daily lives by the food we need is fish and we use salt alot like (FRENCH FRIES)

3the fish we eat will get killed we kant eat is

Darth Maul said...

We take many things from the ocean including salt, kelp, fish, sharks, eels, algae, etc. It affects our daily lives by giving us a source of protein, and can also give us sources to make stuff. The use of these things is being overused and not being controlled. The result is that we might run out of these resources.

Anonymous said...

first off;
i've been sick and am extremely confused on what i have to do.

so i'm just going to answer these questions.

1. We take tons of stuff from the ocean. We take minerals like salt and oil, and we also take living things like plants and fish.

2. We all use things from the oceans everyday. If we don't eat something, we use a product that contains kelp or another ocean substance in it. And apparently, we have all been affected by horseshoe crap blood. :)

3. We are using these resources at such an incredible rate, nature is having a difficulty keeping up. We are causing overfishing, and are depleting the oceans of it's valuable resources.

there you go.

Dylan Tripoli said...

What do we take from the oceans? From the oceans we take fish to eat, water that we can purify, nonliving organisms that can help with a variety of things including getting meds to help cure diseases.

How does it affect our daily lives?
It affects our daily life because we use most of those things every day and rely on them in order to survive.

How does our use of these resources affect the world we live in? These affect the world because the world also uses these resources every day. Not only that but countries closest to the oceans use these to sell to other countries and this becomes a part of their prophet.

Anonymous said...

1)We take fish and other organisms from the ocean as well as nonliving organisms.

2)We use salt, algae, water, and the fish.

3)It affects teh world because if we take to much of one animal/plant it may deplete all the way to extinction. Then it wound effect the food chain dramatically.

Marissa said...

The ocean is one of Earth's most valuable natural resources. It provides food in the form of fish and shellfish.

The oceans have been fished for thousands of years and are an integral part of human society. Fish have been important to the world economy for all of these years, starting with the Viking trade of cod and then continuing with fisheries like those found in Lofoten, Europe, Italy, Portugal, Spain and India. Fisheries of today provide about 16% of the total world’s protein with higher percentages occurring in developing nations. Fisheries are still enormously important to the economy and wellbeing of communities.
so people should stop overfishing and by-catching
so we always have yummy fish

by marissa grapentine!!
