Eighth Grade - A3.2-3: Top ten reasons why gramma shouldn't live on Dante's Peak
This week we take a look at volcanoes.
Answer this: What causes volcanoes to form? What types of volcanoes are there? How do they compare to each other?
Contract 5 to be presented on Friday.
Seventh Grade - C3.1-2: Mosses and Ferns.
This week we begin to look more closely at plants. Specifically, the oldest types of land plants, mosses and ferns.
We went outside to do a tree survey of the City Park and the Riverview campus. Post results of that and your own tree survey at The BudBurst Project.
Answer this: What are plants? Compare and contrast mosses to ferns, and both of those to other plants.
Contract 5 to be presented on Friday.
How do plants make sugar into energy.Does Germination occer in all plants or plants with seeds only? makayla klumpyan
Plants are autotrophs(they make their own food) and make food by photosynthesis. They reproduce by either seeds or spores.
how many types of plant are there in Wiconsin.
what is the biggest plant
about how many active valconoes are there in the united states.
about how many active valconoes are there in the u.s.
How many types of plant speices are there?
enough plants to study them as your job, anthony
hich types of volcanoes explode which way? Why does this happen, and how is the formation of volcanoes related to each?
weakly-lava runs-explosive
moderate silica-low silica-high
moderate sized rock fragments-
smaller because of fast lava-
layers because of sticky lava
Why do some volcnoes erupt early than other volcanoes
how does the pyroclastic flow stay on the ground???
Mr. Hoopman what is a good website besides project budbirst because it isn't helping me figure out any of these.
Is there any way to make a building volcano safe?
the pyroclastic flow stays grounded because it is denseer than the air.
Drew, UWGB Herbarium has a list of plants in different environments of Wisconsin.
Look under "Plant Lists and Keys"
How can we know for sure that a volcano is completely inactive
What's the difference between a composite volcano, a shield volcano, and a cinder cone volcano? I'm asking about their damages when they explode and their looks.
Mellisa there are 162 active volcanoes in the US.
A volcano is formed when there are cracks in the plate. Also, they form from the hotspot theory.
what is the biggest volcano in the world? Where is it located?
What is the biggest volcano that erupted ever?
The ash from the volcanos forms with water vaper to make acid rain, is the acid rain potent enough to affect humans
i do not get what a phorclasic flow is
Is there a way to predict when a volcano will erupt?
Why does teh pryoclastic flow run down the sides of teh valcano so fast?
Why and how do expanding gases mix with magma from a magma chamber and how do they make it rise?
When the volcano erupts does the magma go slowly up and then run down the side or does it move slowly?
How do seesless plants reproduce?
Good Q makayla, the A 4 the 2nd one is they only occur in plants with seeds.
I don't think there are any volcanoes in WI, because it is located right in the middle of the North American Plate with no hot spots beneath it and plus the state is not located by any convergent/divergent boundaries. A while ago; some billions of years, there were volcanoes because of course we had Pangea, but now there is just metavolcanic rock located by Green Bay as part of the ground.
Which is more dangerous?
A Composite Volcano?
(containing thick silica and slow lava movement)
A Sheild Volcano?
(containing thin silica and fast lava movement)
i think makayla, through photosynthesis, they take the carbon dioxide and water, and use light as an energy source. I THINK, IM NOT POSITIVE, THOUGH!
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