Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week Four

Eighth Grade - A2.3: Earthquake Engineering

This week we finish the chapter on earthquakes. We retrofit Riverview to become safer in an earthquake. Also, this week your choice one for A contracts will be put to the test in the Hoopman Earthquake 2.0.

Answer this: How can damage from earthquakes be reduced?

Contract 4 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C2.3-4: Multicellular Organisms.

This week we be gin to look at the most complex organisms. We also head out into our local environment to go on a mushroom hunt.

Answer this: How do animals meet their needs? What is the difference between a fungus and a mushroom?

Contract 3 to be presented on Friday.


Taylor said...

Why do we need to build more earthquake safe buildings?

Unknown said...

wouldn't pyrimids be the best earthquake safe building. cause they can't really fall over.

Unknown said...

i was suprisied at how many different ways there are to make buildings earthquake safe

Kristine Maas said...

I think that learning about thoes things to make the building safer was very intersting to learn.

John said...

Taylor, I think being able to walk away from a building after an earthquake is a bit more desirable to being trapped in a building after an earthquake, or worse.

Mike, some of the designs of anicient buildings have stood for thousands of years in seismically active areas.

John said...

Now that Mike brought it up...there are other ancient designs besides pyramids that have stood the test of time in earthquakes. I would be interested to see any of those design ideas brought up in Friday's presentations.

Cody said...

How do dampers help a building be earthquake safe.

Taylor said...

Oh haha I guess you are right Mr. Hoopman!

sophie said...

if our buidlings collapse, does it make a difference in our grade?

Unknown said...

A pyrimid is the simplest design of anicient buildings that would withstand earthquakes. Though it isn't real fancy or anything.

Myranda said...

why aren't people doing more to make homes earthqauke safe

julia s. said...

this is my favorite contract so far because were actaully doing something and like building stuff!!!!

Holli H said...

Does California have more earthquake safe buildings than anywhere else in the world?

John said...

Sophie, your grade is in your presentation of your building, what parts you have engineered to make it earthquake safe.

Mike, the pyramids are wonders of the ancient world for a reason.

Myranda, I would guess cost or that if it is out of sight it is out of mind.

Brook said...

Bace Isolaters can be used 2 reniforse a building after it is already made

Corbin said...

What other buildings can withstand earthquakes besides pyramids?

Brad said...

What should you do if you are at home when there is a earthquake because we cant hideunder desks at home....?

Anonymous said...

Do cross braces just try to keep the frame in tac or do they do something else.

Corbin said...

What is the best way to reenforce a building to withstand an earthquake?

Unknown said...

How many different ways is there to make a home safer from earthquakes?

Jessica197 said...

In California, is there acutally a high chance of earthquakes all the time, or are people just saying that to prepare people or to scare them?

dkbmx123123 said...

really taylor? ok, we need earthquake safe buildingds so we dont all die and to decrease the deaths in the world.

Mark said...

wow taylor, we need earthquake safe buildings so the building is safe during an earthquake. what other reason is there?

Brooke said...

Why do you not want to have a building with lots of windows?

Mark said...

contrary to popular belief, there are other ways of making a building earthquake safe than just the ones we have learned. you just have to think of them.

Anonymous said...

Why do some people who live in earthquake zones, like california, not have earthquake safe houses?

McKenna said...

if are buildings slip and fall apart do we get a lower grade or does it not affect it?

dkbmx123123 said...

people live in california because its a nice place to live. at least better than wisconsin

sam said...

this unit is fun because you get to detroy houses and why do after shocks ocur i dont get that

Unknown said...

Almost every person in the world is a bit ingorant, thus they wish not to listen to the risks and just live anywhere.

Unknown said...

Mckenna, Mr hoopman answered your question earlier.

How much do you think it would cost to "earthquake proof" a building?

brady said...

How is an earthquake magnitude scale related to the amounts of energy released by earthquakes?

melissa said...

what is a sheer core and why are they so important

Unknown said...

The scale is based on the power of earthquakes. Lower numbers equal lower intensity an higher numbers higher intensity.

Austin Ernst said...

Why do you need base isolaters for earthquake safe buildings.

Mitch said...

What is the most effective earthquake-safe thing?

Mark said...

mike, it depends what its made of and what its used for. if its an office building then the waves are still going to cause damage to the things inside the building. you should do that for your contract

Denton said...

Brady i think that the bigger the earthquake is on the richter scale the more energy the earthquake gives off

Mark said...

cody, the energy from waves is put into heat inside dampers because it takes a lot of force to push water through a small space. the point is to convert a lot of the energy to heat, instead of letting it damage other things.

Unknown said...

Why is there an aftershock after an earthquake?

Anonymous said...

What is the best building design to withstand an earthquake without using dampers, shock absorbers or any of that stuff?

PiEpEr said...

is there always aftershock after an earthquake

PiEpEr said...

is there always an after shock after an earthquake

Anonymous said...

What type of building design can withstand an earthquake that does not include dampers, shock absorbers, or any other stuff like that?

Justin Picard said...

Cooper i think that making a "earthquake proof" building would cost a high amount of money because all the materials you would need to get.

Anonymous said...

What type of building design can withstand an earthquake that does not include dampers, shock absorbers, or any other stuff like that?

Anonymous said...

brook because in a earthquake the glass could shatter and if u where there u would be severly injured

casper said...

hello mr hoopman i thought that our walk we went on for the mushrooms and fungus was awesome!!!

josh leinau said...

so how is multicellular animals difrant from plants?

josh leinau said...

I think theres more plants than animals.

Unknown said...

That was really fun when we went outside to look for fungus

Rachel S. said...

Mushroom hunting was really awesome! If Mr. Hoopman posts that for extra credit I might try it.

John said...

Brad, I think it is something like our own tornado safety procedures, but without the forecast and watch/warning system. Check out the USGS or the FEMA websites on earth quake safety measures.

Jessica, it depends on what part of California you live in. In someplaces the fault is slowly constantly moving, in some places there are regular moderate earthquakes, and in other places they wait for "the big one" where 8.0 and above earthquakes happen once every few hundred years. The last one of that size in southern California happened 300 years ago when Los Angles was a small mission village. People don't really remember that far back.

Cooper, as we saw in the video price depends on what you want. Computers and sensors running attuned dampers is much more expensive than adding cross bracing to a building.

Ali said...

A mushroom is the blossoming of fungus. Like a flower has seeds a mushroom releases spores for a new fungus to grow.

Anton said...

If there is two mushrooms coming from on base, what does that mean?Did the mushroom split?

jacob said...

Are all mushrooms consitered fungus

Julia Novotny said...

A fungus is a decomposer and can be huge. The mushroom is the flowering part of the fungus and it is connected to the hyphae. A lot of hyphae make the mycelium.

Jack said...

If what the video says is true, something new occurs with every earthquake, how do we build a perfect earthquake safe house?

Evan said...

I thought it was interesting looking at all different kinds of mushrooms. Like the stinking horn Mike found witch grows in tropical areas.

michael birenbaum said...

no anton i think that its 2 different mushrooms close togather from the same fungi

Michael Birenbaum said...

when we whent Mushroom hunting i found the smellyest mushroom if we could do somthing like that again i will do it

Anonymous said...

pyramids can really withstand earthquakes?

John said...

Mike, you and the rest of your class found the Common STINKhorn in the mulch of the park playground.

Unknown said...

Mr. Hoopman, Why do have to adapt to their surroundings? How do plants use photosniciths to make energy? Why?
makayla klumpyan

Unknown said...

The mushroom hunt was so fun. I hope we can do alot more hands on activitys. Mr.hoopman do you know what kind of mushroom i found? it was the white egg shaped slimey one.

Jetzer said...

how many different typess of mushroom are ther in Wisconson

sbrooks said...

my favorite science class so far would be hunting for mushrooms

Amy Holec said...

going outside was really fun!:)

RachelAnderson said...

MR. hoopman i thought it was re4ally fun goign out side on the funges or mushroom hunt..... it was a blast and seeing what all my class mates found...

RachelAnderson said...

MR. hoopman i thought it was really fun goign out side on the mushroom or and funges hunt... it was a blast and seeing what we all found and my classmates..........

RachelAnderson said...

sorry my spelling is bad... next time i will look over it... haha :)

Delfina said...

My mom was telling me that actually you could go two different ways; either go with the shock absorbers and the thick concrete, or another material you could use is logs. We live in a log house and actually we would be particularly safe because the logs cross each other to hold up stronger and are held together with a glue form.

Pania said...

So we won't DIE!
Plus it's safer because usually people would panic and run outside most of them... So they would just sit and let the building swayyyy slowly.

Unknown said...

People said that domes and pyramids are very earthquake safe buildings. Why don't we make more like that instead of more rectangularish ones that we have mostly now?

Kate Sommerfeld said...

i thought that it was really fun when we went outside & searched for the different mushrooms and fungses. i still dont know what the mushroom/fungus that me, makayla, addy, & jenny found was, but i do know that that jelly-like stuff that was like jello, was its way of reprodusing (asexual).

josh lienau said...

how do cells make tissue