Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hoopman is Gone: How is it?

The kids have their food and blankies so I have a momment to post here.

Eighth graders, you should be starting work day on your first solutions contract. Jake asked earlier in the week why salt water has different times and temps to boil(and melt), it's a good question.

Seventh graders should be working on your pressure contract.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I am really miss seeing the ways you all invent to show the must show. You were just getting good and your contracts were becoming more engaging.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hoopman is Gone: You kids behaving?

Hey kids, at a Web 2.0 workshop right now. It's about doing things like...this: the blog, the wiki, learning about back channel chats, wordle, presentations, and other things on the internets.

You kids should be busy with workday right now, getting things done, and minding your p's and q's.

I will use the blog to post anything of interest I find at the WSST Convention that you can use in class or on your contracts.

You use the blog to post any questions you have about the concepts you are going over while I am away, ask for a wiki page, kindly ask for help with A presentations, etc.

I am always with you. Right here. Watching.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Eighth Grade Week 23

Now that we understand bonding, let's rearrange bonds in chemical reactions. This week let's get active and really DO chemistry to explain chemistry.

What happens in a chemical reaction?
Why do we have to balance the equation of a chemical reaction?

Second hour found a nice site to help you quiz yourself on balancing equations. Get yourself ready for that first page of the test we hear so much about at Classic ChemBalancer

We also want to be finding interesting experiments in chemistry. Why are they important and how do they tie in with what we are covering? To help get the ball rolling we can look back at some great discoveries and experiments throughout history in the Science Channel's presentation of 100 Greatest Discoveries: Chemistry.

This weeks contract has you creating your own experiment to demonstrate a chemical reaction or quizzing the class on balancing equations.