Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week Three

Eighth Grade - A2.1-2: Earthquake!

This week we begin a new chapter on earthquakes.

Answer this: What causes earthquakes? Where do they occur and why? How does energy from an earthquake travel through the Earth?

Contract 3 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C2.1-2: Multicellular Organisms.

This week we be gin to look at the most complex organisms.

Answer this: How is a multicellular organism different from a unicellular organism?
How do multicellular organisms meet the needs of living things? How do plants obtain and store energy?

Contract 3 to be presented on Friday.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week Two

Eighth Grade - A1.3-4: Where Plates Meet.

This week we continue talking about plate tectonics, focusing on the boundaries where different plates meet.

Answer this: What are the different types of boundaries? What happens at each of these boundaries?

Contract 2 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C1.3-4: Protista.

This week we examine more complex single-celled organisms.

Answer this: Where can protists be found? How are they more complex than bacteria?

Contract 2 to be presented on Friday.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week One

Eighth Grade - A1.1-2: The Earth Moves Under Our Feet.

This week we began talking about plate tectonics, from the first ideas of continental drift to the current theory of tectonics.

Answer this: What does tectonics mean? What evidence is there for the idea of continental drift or the theory of plate tectonics?

Contract 1 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C1.1-2: The Smallest Living Things.

This week we take a look at the smallest life on earth: Bacteria.

Answer this: What is the difference between a bacteria and a virus?

Contract 1 to be presented on Friday.