Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week One

Eighth Grade - A1.1-2: The Earth Moves Under Our Feet.

This week we began talking about plate tectonics, from the first ideas of continental drift to the current theory of tectonics.

Answer this: What does tectonics mean? What evidence is there for the idea of continental drift or the theory of plate tectonics?

Contract 1 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C1.1-2: The Smallest Living Things.

This week we take a look at the smallest life on earth: Bacteria.

Answer this: What is the difference between a bacteria and a virus?

Contract 1 to be presented on Friday.


me said...

Why is the buttom of the ocean so cold if it is so far down?

savanna said...

because there is no sun light

kate said...

only children can get chicken pox. adults can get shingles which is excacly like it but a little different

savanna said...

ebola is almost the worst disease

Evan S. said...

what is ebola

Drew Schweiger said...

What is the most dangerous bacteria

Drew Schweiger said...

Eugola are a group of exotic viral agents that cause a severe hemorrhagic fever disease in humans and other primates.

TASTYTURKY(also know as james) said...

the most dangerous bacteria is the ones that get inside you


Some can stay outside of you too.


What is the most dangerous virus?

Anonymous said...

What is the worst disease once it is in you body

Person with the name shanowzer

nick said...

can virus's not get sick

Drew said...

Netsky is the most dangerous virus

nick said...

can gurms help you


Viruses Can Get Sick If A Bacteria Attacks it And It Eventually Dies, Nick

Drew said...

Netsky is a computer virus though the most dangerous regullar virus is Ebola or Small Pox

Julia Novotny said...

Bacteria can be killed by a medicine because it's alive. A virus is not alive so, can only be gotten rid of by the immune system, and you can get a shot to make yourself immune to the virus.

Delfina said...

Tectonic basically means the structure of Earth's crust and refers to the forces or conditions inside the Earth that cause movements of the crust.

Pania said...

Why is everyone talking about viruses? This is abit late but I just wanted to post through all the weeks to no get a bad grade. . .

If there were no plate tectonics what would happen to Earth?

josh lienau said...

why do cells live in cold climates