Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week Three

Eighth Grade - A2.1-2: Earthquake!

This week we begin a new chapter on earthquakes.

Answer this: What causes earthquakes? Where do they occur and why? How does energy from an earthquake travel through the Earth?

Contract 3 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C2.1-2: Multicellular Organisms.

This week we be gin to look at the most complex organisms.

Answer this: How is a multicellular organism different from a unicellular organism?
How do multicellular organisms meet the needs of living things? How do plants obtain and store energy?

Contract 3 to be presented on Friday.


Unknown said...

If primary wves can travel through soilds liquids and gases why do they reflect off earth's surface? And then why don't secondary waves bounce off the core?

Mark said...

secondary waves aren't powerful enough to enter the core

Corbin said...

What makes secondary waves bounce off the outer core?

Julia Novotny said...

A plant gets its energy by the sun breaking up the H2O and mixing that with the CO2 and chlorophyll to make sugar= C6 H12 O6.
A plant stores the energy in starches that can be broken up by oxygen into sugars and it releases the extra oxygen.

myles said...

what is a unicellular organism?

myles said...

what process do plants use to obtain energy?

Kassi said...

A unicellular organism that is only one cell and can meet its needs by functioning deffrently then a cell from aq human.

Kassi said...

What is the growing hormon in plants?
Hint: it doesn't like sunlight and it helps causes the plant to bend.

keegan said...

i had a great time hunting for mushrooms.

Jetzer said...

did u find wat type of mashroom we


A plant gets its energy from the sun by breaking up the water, mixing with the Caron Dioxide, and chlorophyll to make sugar.

traverse said...

how many kinds of mushrooms are there?

traverse said...

what is the most poisonus mushroom

Anonymous said...

How is a multicellular organism different from a unicellular organism?

Drew said...

A multicellular organism is a organism that has more than one cell and a unicellualar organism is a one celled organism

Andrew Buss said...

Why do mosses and ferns need shade to grow?

Delfina said...

Answer me this: how do epicenters develop in the ground?

Pania said...

Is they're a plate boundary around Wisconsin and is it active? Because I don't want to die when there's an earthquake!

kate sommerfeld said...

a multicellular organism is an organism that has more that one cell. some having special functions in the organism. A unicellular organism is any life form that consists of just a single cell. one example is bacteria

Unknown said...

How do plants use photosnstis to make sugar into energy?

levi said...

how do plants make sap

josh lienau said...

how do cells form together