Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week Six

Eighth Grade - A3.1: Dante's Peak, the second most desirable place to live?

This week we take a look at volcanoes and mountains.

Answer this: Where do mountains form? Why? What damage do volcanoes cause? Yes, why should gramma grab to dog and get off Dante's Peak?

Contract 6 to be presented on Friday.

Seventh Grade - C3.3-4: Flowers and Seeds.

This week we continue to look at plants. We focus on two types: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.

Answer this: Compare and contrast seeds and spores. Compare and contrast gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Contract 6 to be presented on Friday.


Julia Novotny said...

Seeds have nutrients to grow in them, more of a protective coat, & is multicellular. Spores have
nutrients & single celled. They both have a protective coat & grow into a new plant.

sam brown said...

i do not get how moutains are formed because they seem to form like volcanos

ebbottbaby said...

Is our land, the flatland, constantly being worn down by water and wind, like mountains? If it is, how does the land level stay the same? Or does it?

ebbottbaby said...

Volcanoes are pretty much mountains without the magma/lava Sam

Mark said...

maybe some areas are becoming lower because of wind/water but some areas are getting sediment added to them through wind/water

Michael Birenbaum said...

seeds are found around here because we have Winter.Spores are mostly found around South America because they always have nutrience on the ground

Taylor said...

Why do volcanoes stop exploding, become dormant, and then turn into a mountain?

Unknown said...

Grandma should grab the dog a drive as fast as she can away from that mountain. It's alreadey had signs of blowing up. The pyroclastic flow can move like
100MPH towards her house and wipe her out in seconds if the blast doesn't.

Unknown said...

once volcanoes stop having a flow of magma to them they can no longer spew lava. Sometimes the magma will harden other times you might have a hollow mountain. Either way the volcano becomes dormant

Cody said...

Why does ocianic crust sink below continental crust when mountains are formed

Unknown said...

Is there a place where two volcanoes are right next to each other?

John said...

Tate, there is a pair of volcanoes outside of Mexico City with a cool story to go along. I will ripoff the wikipedia version because its kinda not the whole story, but its short and sweet.
"In Aztec mythology, Iztaccíhuatl was a princess who fell in love with Popocatépetl, one of her father's warriors. The king sent Popocatépetl to war in Oaxaca, promising him Iztaccíhuatl as his wife when he would return (which Iztaccíhuatl's father presumed he would not). Iztaccíhuatl was falsely told Popocatépetl had died in battle, and believing the news, she died of grief. When Popocatépetl returned to find his love dead, he kneeled by her grave. The gods covered them with snow and changed them into mountains. Iztaccíhuatl's mountain is called "White Woman" because it resembles a woman sleeping on her back, and is often covered with snow. (The peak is sometimes nicknamed La Mujer Dormida ("The Sleeping Woman").) He became the volcano Popocatépetl, raining fire on Earth in blind rage at the loss of his beloved."

Steve said...

what is the most active volcano in north america?


Which would you rather have in your backyard, Seed or Spore Plants? I Would Chose Seeds.

Unknown said...

If mountains did not form, how would our lives be different?

Mark said...

people in wisconsin are sometimes affected by volcanic ash by wind, which can effect our weather, water, and sometimes climate. if it were not for mountains and volcanoes, this would not happen.

brady said...

what are some ways that a mountain could continually be pushed up but not get taller?

Mitch said...

what is the biggest cinder cone in the world?

Mitch said...

brady you little cheater that question was on the 3.1 review

Anonymous said...

How can the movement of rocks along faults lead to the formation of mountains?

John said...

then all landscapes would look flat like the oceans or a drive through Indiana


Jessica197 said...

Mountains form on the edges of tectonic plate boundaries because when the two plates collide they push up mountains.

sam brown said...

now i under stand how they form differently then volcanos i get it

casper said...

hello i really enjoyed going outside and looking for seeds!

Jetzer said...

wat tree dose an walnut grow from

Amy Holec said...

i thought it was really fun going outside and looking for seeds and flowers hope we can go out side again soon

josh lienau said...

what is the most seeds on a tree

josh lienau said...

are there more ferns than flowers

John said...

the story above your post is about the volcano Mount Popo.
It is considered to be the most active because it has been smoking for the last decade. It is considered one of the most dangerous. A large blast would affect millions of people, including the people of Mexico City

All seventh grade
I also enjoy our trips outside to see/collect/survey the diversity of species in our hometown

Austen Lehrke said...

how are seeds and spores in common

nicks said...

can we go out side more?

Anonymous said...

I dont know Austen L

cole meyer said...

they are in common because they bolth have to do with reperduction

Cara Bardon said...

plants adapt to live on land by having roots, bey being able to get sunlight and absorb nutrients, have seeds, and the water in the ground keeps them moist.

nick said...

how are spors and seeds realated

nick said...


Rachel S. said...

This isn't really plant related but it is science; I did a science news this week and it was about global warming. I'm really worried about it and ever since I found that article I've been trying to be more green. Ha, I guess that it can be about plants because eating organic means you don't use pestisides which helps the einivronment! Don't you love how everyhting in science is related?!

Unknown said...

I did a science news this week also and it was about food posioning. And i was just wondering how do foods get that bad to actually kill someone. i mean ya the pesticides but like what else can get onto foods to make them that bad. And how can you tell if something is posionus like does it tast weird? srry about the longness

Anonymous said...

Seed and spore hunting was really fun. I like going outside for the unit and finding things that are with the unit. Are we going to keep doing that for other units and other sections too?

Delfina said...

That's interesting how volcanoes are called dormant when they're basically sleeping and haven't erupted for a long time, but suddenly when they feel like it, they blow their top!

Delfina said...

I hope nothing happens to the family in the movie because they just got into a wood boat in an acid-filled lake! You could tell because all the fish were dead and when volcanoes erupt, the poisonous gases rise into the clouds and then when the clouds are full of rain, and start to precipitate, that rain will be acidic on account of the gases mixed in with it.

kate sommerfeld said...

i get confused between the words "seeds" and "spores". whats the difference?

Pania said...

Ebbottbaby, the land we live on is getting flatter, but as it gets flatter the sediment is also helping it stay at its same level because it goes ontop of each other over and over. The magma underneath it also helps form more land.

Unknown said...

Is there any other process plants use besides sporse and seeds?

Amy Holec said...

how much of the earth is covered in flowers?

levi said...

all a seed needs is a drop of water to start groing