Monday, January 10, 2011

Grade 7 Week 12: Muscular System

A week ago, we began our Body Systems Unit.  We looked at how all the systems interact and then specifically the Skeletal system.  This week we get specific with the system that works closely with the skeletal system:  the Muscular System.

What are the functions of the muscular system?
What systems does the muscular system interact with to maintain homeostasis in the organism?

This week's Contract Week 12 has us look in depth at the funtion of the muscular system - when it's working correctly and when it is not.


sarah said...

The muscular system provides the ability to move, and it helps to maintain body temperature. When muscles contract the let off heat, like when you shiver your muscles move really fast so that you can heat up your body.

Megan K. said...

How are smooth muscles made in us?

Brandon Herrin said...

How are all the different types of muscles made inside of us?

Garrett Grim said...

If you tear a muscle does it grow back together like a bone?