Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Grade 8 Week 3: Earthquakes

This week we begin discussion of the effects of Plate Tectonics.  The first, earthquakes, occur along faults which are similar to boundaries. 

What are earthquakes?
What are faults?  Compare and contrast faults to boundaires.
How does energy from an earthquake travel away from faults?

Contract Week 3 has you modeling faults, or designing demonstrations, or researching fault systems around the world.


Ryan said...

Faults are cracks or fractures in the lithosphere. Boundaries and faults are very similar. Boundaries are where two tetonic plates collide. Faults can be anywhere, but is mostly near boundaries. There are three faults, normal, reverse, and strike slip.

Cassy Sippel said...

Earthquakes are when the ground shakes. The ground is shaking because of large blocks of rocks along a fault. A fault is a crack in the earth which occurs when two tectonic plates meet.A boundary is where two tectonic plates hit eachother. So a fault and a boundary are similar just a little different. Energy from earthquakes travel away from faults by seismic waves. Seismic waves are vibration cause by earthquakes.