Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eighth Grade Week 15

As we continue our look at the Earth's oceans we now look at living things, biomes and our interactions with them.

Describe the different habitats of the Earth's oceans.
What are the human affects on these habitats?

Contracts this week give a chance to get on the wall and a few Design Your Own again.


Anonymous said...

DId you know that male angler fish cling to female angler fish and become part of the female in order to reproduce.

Anonymous said...

The bathypelagic zone is above the abyssopelagic zone and below the mesopelagic zone

Denton said...

what is the importance of a coral reef?

pania said...

the reason why coral reefs are important
is becus fishes live in them
if there was no land for us we would die because we cant breathe in water
and we eat COOked food not raw food
but some of us will live if we adapt quickly
and grow some gills on us
anyone else can add on

Jack said...

denton coral reefs house most of the oceans life. This allows most animals to have an abundant food source. also this gives us a food source because reefs are some of the best fishing areas in the world.

Mark said...

coral reefs provide shelter and sometimes food for prey fish, and provide large feeding grounds for predator fish.

melissa said...

why is knowing what zones of the ocean important?

Unknown said...

you should know the regions of the ocean because say you want to research an aniimal that lives under water you need to know where it lives or you would want to know to what region your equipment would start breaking etc. etc.

Delfina said...

In the bathypelagic zone, all the organisms usually have small eyes, bodies composed mostly of water, and a light organ or photophore. The photophore is blue, so the prey can see it from far away and it lures them in. Then, when they get up close they can still not see the organism because the predators' skin color is reddish and doesn't reflect light. Before the prey realize it, they are already in the monster's stomach! What a life..